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Rollout status
Service available area
Build commenced area
Other fibre provider area

Show service type
Fixed line pattern Fixed line
Fixed wireless pattern Fixed wireless


Please note: The "rollout status" and "service type" may not be up-to-date in upgrade areas. Rollout areas and boundaries are subject to change as construction planning is finalised. Check your address for the latest information. 


This date and technology is based on nbn’s current deployment plans and is subject to change. The "technology used" and planned date information are accurate as at 27/3/2025 and is updated weekly. Rollout areas and boundaries are subject to change as construction planning is finalised.

Although most existing services will be replaced by the nbn network, there are some services that should not be impacted. These include those services provided over non-nbn fibre networks, some services in some apartment complexes, and some business and Special Services. nbn strongly recommends you contact your current phone and internet provider as soon as possible to find out if your services are impacted. You can also find out more at


This date and technology is based on nbn’s current deployment plans and is subject to change. The "technology used" and planned date information are accurate as at 27/3/2025 and is updated weekly. Rollout areas and boundaries are subject to change as construction planning is finalised.