nbn Business Satellite Services (BSS) Interim Launch Agreement
The nbn BSS Interim Launch Agreement (ILA) is the contractual vehicle that nbn uses to supply the nbn BSS Product to its wholesale customers.
This version of the nbn BSS Interim Launch Agreement constitutes a standard form of access agreement for the purposes of Part XIC of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010.
Please note that this Standard Form of Access Agreement (SFAA) and the Latest Standard Offer is comprised of all nbn BSS Interim Launch Agreement documents linked on this page unless the document expressly states that it does not form part of the SFAA. This includes both the nbn BSS Interim Launch Agreement documentation and the contents of any pending changes already notified to existing customers, as listed below.
Executable copies of the nbn BSS Interim Launch Agreement may be obtained through your nbn Account Manager.
nbn BSS Interim Launch Agreement documentation (SFAA)
Letter Agreement – nbn Business Satellite Services Master Test Services Program
Letter Agreement - nbn Business Satellite Services (BSS) Strengthen Telecommunications Against Natural Disasters (STAND) Program
Pending changes that form part of the nbn BSS Interim Launch Agreement
Contract notice - Withdrawal of nbn Business Satellite Services (BSS) and notice to terminate
nbn BSS Interim Launch Agreement documentation (Non-SFAA)
nbn Sky Muster Plus (SMP) Interim Agreement
The Sky Muster Plus Interim Agreement is the contractual vehicle that nbn uses to supply the Sky Muster Plus Product to its wholesale customers.
This version of the Sky Muster Plus Interim Agreement constitutes a standard form of access agreement for the purposes of Part XIC of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. Please note that this Standard Form of Access Agreement (SFAA) and the Latest Standard Offer is comprised of all nbn Sky Muster Plus (SMP) Interim Agreement documents linked on this page unless the document expressly states that it does not form part of the SFAA. This includes both the nbn Sky Muster Plus (SMP) Interim Agreement documentation and the contents of any pending changes already notified to existing customers, as listed below.
Executable copies of the Sky Muster Plus Interim Agreement may be obtained through your nbn Account Manager.
nbn Sky Muster Plus (SMP) Interim Agreement documentation (SFAA)
Variation Agreement – nbn Sky Muster Plus Community Wi-Fi Product Module
Satellite Mobility (LCPA) Agreement
The Satellite Mobility (LCPA) Agreement is the contractual vehicle that nbn uses to supply the nbn Satellite Mobility Product to its wholesale customers.
This version of the Satellite Mobility (LCPA) Agreement constitutes a standard form of access agreement for the purposes of Part XIC of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010.
Please note that this Standard Form of Access Agreement (SFAA) and the Latest Standard Offer is comprised of all Satellite Mobility (LCPA) Agreement documents linked on this page unless the document expressly states that it does not form part of the SFAA. This includes both the Satellite Mobility (LCPA) Agreement documentation and the contents of any pending changes already notified to existing customers, as listed below.
Executable copies of the Satellite Mobility (LCPA) Agreement may be obtained through your nbn Account Manager.
Satellite Mobility (LCPA) Transition to Fleet Plans - Variation Agreement
Contract notice - Start Date for Satellite Mobility (LCPA) Agreement 2
Satellite Mobility (LCPA) Agreement - Product Technical Specifications
Satellite Mobility (LCPA) Agreement - Service Levels Schedule
Fibre TV Agreement
The Fibre TV Agreement is the contractual vehicle that nbn uses to supply the Fibre TV product to its wholesale customers over Fibre TV Infrastructure in respect of eligible estates.
This version of the Fibre TV Agreement constitutes a standard form of access agreement for the purposes of Part XIC of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010.
Executable copies of the Fibre TV Agreement may be obtained through your nbn Account Manager.
Cell Site Access Service (CSAS) Interim Agreement
The CSAS Interim Agreement is the contractual vehicle that nbn uses to supply the Cell Site Access Service (CSAS) to enable its wholesale customers to supply public mobile telecommunications services.
This version of the CSAS Interim Agreement constitutes a standard form of access agreement for the purposes of Part XIC of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. Please note that this Standard Form of Access Agreement (SFAA) and the Latest Standard Offer is comprised of all CSAS Interim Agreement documents linked on this page unless the document expressly states that it does not form part of the SFAA. This includes both the CSAS Interim Agreement documentation and the contents of any pending changes already notified to existing customers, as listed below.
Executable copies of the CSAS Interim Agreement may be obtained through your nbn Account Manager.
CSAS - Discounts, Credits and Rebates Annexure to the CSAS Price List
Pending changes that form part of the CSAS Interim Agreement documentation
Last updated: 12 March 2025