This version of the WBA constitutes a standard form of access agreement for the purposes of Part XIC of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and it is the Latest Standard Offer. Please note that this Standard Form of Access Agreement (SFAA) and the Latest Standard Offer is comprised of all documents linked on this page unless the document expressly states that it does not form part of the SFAA. This includes both the WBA documentation and the contents of any pending changes already notified to existing customers, available in the following list.
Executable copies of the WBA may be obtained through your nbn Account Manager.
If you are not yet ready to on-board and sell nbn services, there is an Information Agreement that may be better suited for your purposes.
WBA documentation (SFAA)
nbn Ethernet - Discounts, Credits and Rebates Annexure to the nbn Ethernet Price List
nbn Platform Interfacing Service - Service Terms (EE Portal)
nbn Enterprise Ethernet – Discounts, Credits and Rebates Annexure to the Enterprise Ethernet Price List
nbn Ethernet (Wireless) as an input to CSG Services Letter Agreement
nbn Ethernet (Wireless) as an input to Downstream Wireless Priority Assistance Services
Notification of Product Feature withdrawal: UNI-V, Battery Backup for nbn Ethernet (Fibre)
Pending changes that form part of the Wholesale Broadband Agreement
WBA documentation (Non-SFAA)
Last updated: 12 March 2025