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Training subsidies

Training for the majority of jobs involved in the construction, activation, operation and maintenance of the nbn™ broadband access network is within the vocational education and training (VET) sector. The VET sector receives most of its funding from Federal and State governments.

nbn™ is working to reduce or eliminate “out-of-pocket” expenses incurred by individuals and their employers in undertaking nbn approved technical skills training via an nbn™ training subsidy.

After all VET funding has been received, individuals who are employed by an nbn™ Delivery Partner or subcontractor and who undergo technical skills training at an approved training providers may be eligible for an nbn™ subsidy.


How does it work?

To be eligible for nbn™ technical skills training subsidies, individuals must be employed by an nbn™ Delivery Partner or subcontractor*. Please find below a summary view of how this works.

Employment with a Delivery Partner or subcontractor

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Nomination by the Delivery Partner to complete training

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nbnapproval for training

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nbnapproved technical skills training program chosen

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Training completed with a training provider on the nbn™ panel

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Nationally recognised training outcome achieved

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*Individuals may choose to complete technical skills training before they are employed, or at a TAFE or RTO that is not nbn™ approved. However, in order to be eligible for any technical skills training subsidies from nbn™, individuals need to be employed by a Delivery Partner or subcontractor and must complete training through an approved training providers.