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Beautiful Bowen set to ride the broadband wave

The nbn™ network has started rolling into Bowen, so we shine a spotlight on this town famous for mangoes, beaches and a brush with Hollywood. 

As towns and cities all across Australia begin to connect to the nbn™ network, we celebrate historic moments, famous landmarks and cultural features that make these places unique. From sleepy coastal towns to bustling cities and rural communities, our special series On the Map will bring into focus the story of one destination every week.

Located at the top of the Whitsundays, Bowen is the laid-back, tropical town that you daydream of while at your desk or stuck in traffic.

The oldest town in North Queensland, Bowen was officially put on the map in 1861.

There are beaches aplenty with many opportunities for activities like swimming, diving or snorkelling. Horseshoe Bay is arguably the most iconic of Bowen's eight beaches.  

A town with real community spirit, locals come together to celebrate annual festivities including the Rock’n’Revs festival, Bowen River Rodeo and the Bowen Family Fishing Classic.

The Bowen Turf Club also plays host to many Race Days throughout the year, with The Bowen Cup seeing local ladies and gentlemen dressed in their best despite the steamy temperatures.  

The iconic Horseshoe Bay.

There’s certainly no shortage of spots for swimming, diving or snorkelling in Bowen.

Along with this tropical territory comes the perfect climate for growing fruits and vegetables, with tomato, rockmelon and capsicum farming common.

But most famously, Bowen is known as the birthplace of Kensington Pride mangoes, affectionately called the Bowen Special.

The locals of Bowen are so produce-proud that they’ve even built themselves a Big Mango, a 10-metre high, seven-tonne beauty that welcomes visitors on the highway.  

The 10-metre high Big Mango represents the Bowen Special.

An even bigger moment for Bowen came in 2007, when the town was taken over for seven weeks for the filming of Baz Luhrmann’s Australia, portraying the look of 1940s-era Darwin.

Locals dubbed the town ‘Bowenwood’, erecting a huge sign on the water tower coming into town in the style of the iconic Hollywood sign in Los Angeles.

Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman were among the A-list who settled in while production took place, with local pie shop Joachheim’s Pies celebrating their temporary residents in style, creating the Jackman Special Pie and the Crunchy Baz Baguette

Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman were among the A-listers who settled into Bowen while their movie Australia was filmed there.

Now that the nbn™ network is rolling into town, life is even sweeter than a Bowen Special for many locals.

This Aussie town of rich history and a brush with Hollywood glamour is set to get great opportunities to connect, grow businesses and enjoy world-class entertainment.

Your experience including the speeds actually achieved over the nbn™ network depends on the technology over which services are delivered to your premises and some factors outside our control like your equipment quality, software, broadband plans and how your service provider designs its network.

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