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NBN Co launches new community activity in Coffs Harbour

Celebrate the arrival of the National Broadband network across Australia.

The NBN Connect Roadshow celebrates the NBN’s arrival in communities and creates loads of intrigue!

To celebrate the national broadband network’s arrival, the Connect Roadshow will feature three enormous, white ‘NBN’ letters that local community artists, schools and community leaders are invited to paint and decorate. These letters will sit alongside an information kiosk where local residents can find out about the NBN, including what they need to do to connect to a service.

We will also host information sessions specially designed for families and seniors to help local residents connect to the network and start experiencing its many benefits. Some internet service providers offering services over the NBN will have marquees set up to assist residents choose the right plan for their needs.

To coincide with the NBN Connect activities across Coffs Harbour, we will also be participating in various community activities including farmers markets and hosting information stands in smaller town locations across the Mid North Coast to leverage from all of the excitement generated by NBN Connect. These activities will be in locations where the NBN is live and includes Taree, Kempsey and Bowraville.

The Connect Roadshow will be visiting the following locations in Coffs Harbour and across the greater Mid North Coast in 2015:

City Square, Harbour Drive 4 -15 March
Park Beach Plaza, Coffs Harbour 4 - 6 March
Taree Central Shopping Centre 4 - 5 March
Coffs Harbour Markets 8 March
Kempsey Central Shopping Centre  11 - 12 March
Bowraville Community Market  14 March 

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