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Transfield wins first construction contract extension

19 June 2013

Additional contract awarded for connection from the street to premises

NBN Co has extended its original two-year contract with Transfield Services for the rollout of fibre in existing built-up areas in Victoria.

The contract, for a further two years, is valued at up to $300 million. Under the contract Transfield will provide design and construction services for the local and distribution network that runs from a fibre access node (FAN) through each street in a coverage area.

NBN Co has also awarded Transfield a second contract worth up to $66 million to complete the installation of the individual fibre link from the street to the connection box on the exterior of each premises in the rollout area.

NBN Co Chief Operating Officer, Ralph Steffens said: "Under the contract announced today the contractor will be responsible for the rollout of the passive network from the fibre access node all the way to the box outside the home, in preparation for a connection to the network when the occupants order a service from their chosen provider." 

Transfield has extensive experience in the design, construction and maintenance of telecommunications networks. In March this year NBN Co announced that Transfield had been awarded a contract worth up to $170 million to add to rollout capacity in metropolitan and suburban Sydney.

The value of the contracts is within the Corporate Plan targets.

The National Broadband Network aims to deliver fast, affordable and reliable broadband to every Australian by 2021.


Rhonda Griffin

Phone: 02 9927 4015
Mobile: 0428 134 401

Notes to Editors

  • NBN Co has a range of delivery partners it has contracted with to construct the local and distribution network so far: Visionstream - Tasmania, Victoria, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Melbourne, Southern NSW and ACT; Syntheo (a Lend Lease/Service Stream joint venture) - SA, WA; Transfield - Victoria, Sydney; Silcar - NSW, Qld and the ACT; Downer EDI, northern NSW.
  • The Government's objective is for NBN Co to rollout fibre optic broadband, designed to offer its Retail Service Provider customers wholesale download speeds of up to 100 megabits per second*, to 93 per cent of Australian premises by June 2021. The remaining premises are expected to receive high-speed broadband via fixed-wireless or satellite.
  • NBN Co is a wholesale company, and those wishing to switch their phone and internet to the National Broadband Network need to speak to their preferred telephone or internet service provider. These are listed at


*NBN Co is designing the NBN to be capable of delivering these speeds to NBN Co's wholesale customers (telephone and internet service providers). Speeds actually achieved by retail customers (end users) will depend on a number of factors including the quality of their equipment and in-premises connection, the broadband plans offered by their service provider and how their service provider designs its network to cater for multiple end users




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Transfield wins first construction contract extension

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