nbn FTTN made easy
All types of nbn broadband access network connections that utilise a physical line running to the premises are considered Fixed Line connections. An nbn Fibre to the Node (FTTN) connection is utilised where the existing copper phone and internet network from a nearby fibre node is used to make the final part of the connection to the nbn access network.
The fibre node is likely to take the form of a street cabinet. Each street cabinet will allow the nbn access network signal to travel over a fibre optic line from the exchange, to the cabinet, and connect with the existing copper network to reach your premises.
What to expect on the day of your nbn™ Fibre to the Node installation
The What to expect on the day of your nbn™ Fibre to the Node installation video (duration 2:57) will show you how to prepare for installation day and make the most of your nbn Fibre to the Node (FTTN) connection.
Setting up your equipment
To prepare for your new nbn powered plan, simply set up your VDSL2 compatible modem (that should have been supplied by your internet/phone provider) using the instructions given by your provider. If you already have a modem, it must be VDSL2 compatible for it to work over the nbn access network.

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