Tony Brown was formerly Executive Manager, Corporate Media at NBN Co.
He worked in the Corporate Affairs team and was responsible for explaining the deployment of the nbn™ broadband access network, and helping to develop a better understanding of the project and all the different technologies we are using. He was also responsible for informing Australians about new and emerging technologies being explored by NBN Co, such as G.Fast and DOCSIS 3.1.
Before joining NBN Co, Tony spent over a decade with Informa Telecoms & Media and then Ovum as an industry analyst focusing on the global broadband market – with particular focus on the cutting-edge markets in the Asia Pacific region, such as South Korea and Japan. Tony tracked the early deployment of high-speed broadband in these markets across a number of technologies and also studied the arrival into the market of new services such as IPTV and Connected Home, as well as looking at other areas of the industry including Content Delivery Networks.
In his time at Informa and Ovum, Tony wrote articles for The Australian, Sydney Morning Herald and Australian Financial Review and had his comments quoted in global publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times and South China Morning Post. Tony was also a regular speaker and chairman at leading industry events, such as Broadband World Forum, Broadband World Forum Asia, IPTV Asia, LTE Asia, TV Connect and CDN Asia, and he regularly presented at specialist industry events organised by operators and vendors.