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Storm Recovery January 2022

In this blog, we’ll provide updates on our storm recovery efforts and details of our support to local communities as it relates to the nbn™ network. Ongoing updates can also be found on the nbn Twitter account @NBN_Australia

Queensland (QLD)

12 January at 12:32pm

  • Following recent severe weather and flooding in and around Maryborough and Gympie in Queensland, nbn is undertaking repairs after minor damage was sustained to some nbn™ network infrastructure in the area. Restoration in the Maryborough CBD is progressing well, with most services restored.
  • Local power outages may continue to affect nbn™ services to individual premises where there is no back up power supply available, however power has been mostly restored to affected areas.
  • Our technicians and nbn™ Local team have joined together to be at Maryborough Town Hall, Kent Street, until tomorrow (Thursday 13 January 2022) to be on hand to answer any questions or concerns from local residents about their nbn™ service following the floods.
  • This will be the last update for this issue. Thank you to everybody in the area for your patience and support as we’ve worked to maintain connectivity and restore services.

Queensland (QLD)

11 January at 10:18am

  • Following major flooding in and around Maryborough, and moderate flooding in Gympie and surrounding areas at the weekend, we have been able to access previously flooded areas to assess damage to nbn™ equipment and restore some services.
  • To date, nbn™ services have been restored to over 320 premises, however services to approximately 100 other premises in the Maryborough CBD have been temporarily disrupted due to water damage to nbn™ cabinets and infrastructure.
  • Where local authorities have allowed, we are moving new equipment into affected areas to begin repairs. We hope to have these repairs completed by early next week.
  • Generators are being used to maintain the continuity of nbn™ infrastructure services in areas that have lost mains power.
  • Local power outages will continue to affect nbn™ services to individual premises where there is no back up power supply available.
  • Please listen to local media for relevant flood warnings and weather reports, stay safe and follow the nbn Twitter account @NBN_Australia for ongoing network status updates.

Queensland (QLD)

10 January at 11:14am (updated 11:33am)

  • Due to major flooding in and around Maryborough, and moderate flooding in Gympie and surrounding areas at the weekend, there are up to 630 customers without nbn™ connectivity.
  • We have field technicians deploying and activating generators where possible to maintain the continuity of nbn™ infrastructure services, where access is available and where it is safe to do so. We are also assessing potential damage to the nbn™ network.
  • Mains power outages will affect individual services where there is no back up power supply available.
  • Please listen to local media for relevant flood warnings and weather reports, stay safe and follow the nbn Twitter account @NBN_Australia for ongoing network status updates.

Queensland (QLD)

9 January at 7:23pm 

  • The Bureau of Meteorology reports that major flooding is occurring in Queensland across Maryborough, whilst a moderate flooding level is impacting Gympie and some surrounding areas.
  • nbn is aware of potential network impacts and localised power outages, which may affect access to the nbn™ network in the area.
  • We advise customers that mains power outages will impact nbn™ services at individual premises, where there is no auxiliary power supply available.
  • nbn is working with emergency services and power companies and we will continue to monitor any impacts on either nbn™ infrastructure or the electricity network. If there is any damage sustained to nbn™ infrastructure, we will deploy technicians to restore any impacted services, when it is safe to do so.
  • Continued severe weather is expected over the coming days. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates on the status of nbn™ infrastructure over the coming days.
  • Please listen to local media for relevant flood warnings and weather reports, stay safe and follow the nbn Twitter account @NBN_Australia for ongoing network status updates.

Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

9 January at 3:57pm 

  • The severe weather earlier in the week that impacted parts of the Australian Capital Territory has eased. We are aware of approximately 180 premises where nbn™ services were impacted, mainly due to mains power outages, and we have been advised by the power providers that mains electricity will soon be restored.
  • As services to these affected premises in the ACT will be restored shortly, this will be the final update.
  • We encourage you to check the status of your service on our Network Status page. If there is no outage displayed and you are still without service, please contact your phone and internet service provider. The provider will raise a case allowing us to identify the cause and work to restore the service safely and as quickly as possible.
  • In the event that there is any unforeseen damage to nbn™ infrastructure, nbn has crews on standby and they will be mobilised if required to undertake any repairs.

Queensland (QLD)

9 January at 12:25pm 

  • The Bureau of Meteorology reports that there are current major flood warnings in Queensland, including in the Mary River, Barambah River and lower Burnett Rivers in and around the Gympie and Maryborough area.
  • Currently, the nbn™ network is operating normally across the affected areas and we will continue to monitor our infrastructure throughout the day as water levels rise and as more severe weather is expected over the coming days.
  • We advise customers that mains power outages will impact nbn™ services at individual premises.
  • nbn is working with emergency services, and has an Emergency Management Team on standby should the situation further deteriorate and there is any damage to nbn™ network infrastructure.
  • Please listen to current warnings, stay safe and follow the nbn Twitter account @NBN_Australia for ongoing updates.

Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

7 January at 9:21am 

  • As a result of the storm that impacted parts of the Australian Capital Territory on Monday 3 January, nbn has deployed 15 generators across the ACT to provide temporary power for our network infrastructure facilities that were impacted by the power outages. This has ensured that the nbn™ network remains fully operational.
  • However, premises that are still without mains power will likely be unable to access the nbn™ network due to having no power to their address. Power providers continue to repair damage to their networks and some premises may not have mains power restored until over the weekend.
  • With more storms forecast for the ACT over coming days, nbn continues to monitor the nbn™ network. We have engineers on standby to respond if the severe weather causes any damage to network infrastructure.
  • We advise customers that mains power outages will impact nbn™ services at individual premises.
  • Please listen to current warnings, stay safe and follow the nbn Twitter account @NBN_Australia for ongoing updates.

Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

6 January at 12:50pm (updated at 2:10pm)

  • As a result of the storm that impacted parts of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) on Monday (3 January 2022), customers in approximately 180 premises are experiencing disruption to their nbn™ services due to local power outages.
  • nbn has deployed 13 generators across the ACT to provide temporary power for network infrastructure facilities in the area that have lost mains power. The indication is that some premises may not have power restored until the weekend.
  • With more storms forecasted for the ACT over coming days, nbn continues to monitor the nbn™ network. We have engineers on standby to respond if the severe weather causes any damage to network infrastructure.
  • The ACT Government has opened up a community hub today from 11am to 5pm at Molonglo Rural Fire Brigade Station, located at 27 Drake-Brockman Drive in Higgins, ACT, where residents can charge electronic devices.
  • We advise customers that mains power outages will impact nbn™ services at individual premises.
  • Please listen to current warnings, stay safe and follow the nbn Twitter account @NBN_Australia for ongoing updates.

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