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The Great Head Shave: nbn crew get a crop for a good cause

nbn executives come together for a great cause, donating their hair in support for a colleague who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Pictured (left to right): Ian Bently, Executive General Manager Service Activation; Lincoln Jurd, Executive General Manager Service Assurance; Peter Ryan, Chief Network Engineering Officer; Brad Whitcomb, Chief Strategy Officer; Wade Campbell (top mid), Executive General Manager Network Enablement; JB Rousselot, Chief Network and Operations Officer; John Simon, Chief Customer Officer.

JB Rousselot and Lincoln Jurd


Last week, I watched proudly as four of nbn’s executives put their egos aside and showed their people how much they mattered. It was both hilarious and heartening.

Four men who, let's face it, aren't guaranteed a return of their once-thick locks, donated their hair in a public display of "teaming" and support for a colleague who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer.

It started a couple of weeks ago when Chief Network Officer JB Rousselot called out the fundraising efforts of his team for an initiative they called “The Great Head Shave”, and sought support from the business.

The initiative helped raise funds for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA).

John Simon


The PCFA are dedicated to reducing the impact of prostate cancer on Australian men, their partners and families through innovative research, advocacy and support.

An impressive 34 nbn staff across the nation have since shaved their heads to show their support for a colleague who was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer.

This effort raised $12,000 and also saw some of the female employees dying their hair in support.

Videos and photos were generated from teams across the nation getting together for a great cause, and sharing a sense of purpose.

The executive were so inspired by the efforts of the employees that it didn’t take much to find some willing volunteers among them.

Peter Ryan


Last week, nbn's top 40 leaders came together for a leadership forum and we auctioned four executive heads for shaving and fundraising… and let's not forget, entertainment!

While the idea was that he who attracted the most dollar votes would lose his hair, our very diplomatic Chief, Bill Morrow, dug deep to even the playing field and ensure no one was left out.

A further $12,000 later and our Chief Customer Officer, Chief Strategist, Chief Engineer and Chief Operations Officer were all lighter on their feet, and the fundraising and awareness of this devastating disease was all the richer for it.

We live-streamed the event on Workplace by Facebook for the whole company to tune in.

The news went viral, generating an incredible sense of pride and connectedness across the organisation.

While it is every day at nbn that we are able to do something incredible for Australia, this day was that extra bit special.

To be part of a team who will literally sacrifice their pride to make a fellow colleague feel supported... I honestly couldn't be prouder.  

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer in men. It can be detected and is preventable, yet more men die of prostate cancer than women die of breast cancer in Australia every year.

Please tell the men in your life to book in their blood test now.


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