We have made several attempts to initiate the process of establishing an nbn network connection to your building, however we have been unsuccessful in our engagement with the building’s authorised representative. Consequently, nbn does not currently plan to install a network connection to your building, unless we receive a request from the Owners’ Corporation.
If you currently use existing fixed line phone or internet services there are a number of implications to be aware of:
However, if your phone and internet services are already provided via another fibre network, they will continue to operate as normal unless your provider advises otherwise.
nbn strongly recommends that you contact your current provider of phone and internet services, or visit www.nbn.com.au/switchoff for more information about whether your services will be impacted by the rollout of the nbn network.#
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you decide to request an installation in the future.
*Please ask your Owners Corporation to contact the lift and alarm service providers for your building. This will help minimise a break in service when the existing network is switched off. Existing fire and lift services registered with nbn may be exempt from immediate disconnection. Please visit www.nbn.com.au/fireandlift for information on registering these services.
^nbn is developing a list of networks that nbn reasonably understands will continue to operate after the nbn rollout has been completed based on information provided by alternative network owners/operators. For more information, please visit www.nbn.com.au/switchoff or contact us.
delivers a fibre network to this area.
For specific information on how to connect your premises contact the existing provider.
Construction of the nbn® network has started in your area
nbn’s New Developments team are continuing to work with the developer to roll out the nbn network at your location.
If you’re preparing to move in, please contact the developer for more information.
If you are the developer of this property, please speak to your nbn New Developments representative or contact us.
Construction stage
Planned to be available from *
Planned technology
Construction stage
More work required
Thank you for your patience. We're working to provide you with clarity on when your premises will be ready to connect. Please check back periodically for updates.
More work required
Thank you for your patience. We're working to provide you with clarity on when your premises will be ready to connect. Please check back periodically for updates.
Planned technology
Looks like you're ready to connect
Some premises may need additional work to be completed first. Contact a phone and internet provider.
Planned technology
Disconnection information
Disconnection information
Premises connected to the nbn® network via nbn Fixed Wireless won't be disconnected from their existing phone and internet services by nbn.
If you want to keep your existing copper phone line active when you order a service over nbn Fixed Wireless, you should speak to your phone and internet provider at the time you place your order.
Planned technology
nbn Satellite*
Good news! It looks like your location may be eligible for the business nbn® Satellite Service+. The business nbn Satellite Service is designed to support business-grade internet, data and voice services§ to Australian businesses in remote and rural areas^.
Disconnection information
Premises connected to the nbn® network via nbn Satellite won't be disconnected from their existing phone and internet services by nbn.
If you want to keep your existing copper phone line active when you order a service over nbn Satellite, you should speak to your phone and internet provider at the time you place your order.
Activate your nbn connection
The next step is to contact a phone or internet provider and order an nbn powered plan.
Technology used in your connection
has been used in your connection to the nbn network.
We’re planning to change your nbn technology.
You will soon need to transition your existing nbn powered plan to a new plan based on . Your phone and internet service provider will be in touch to guide you through the proces.
This location is connected to the nbn® network
Technology used in your connection
has been used in your connection to the nbn network.
We’re planning to change your nbn technology.
You will soon need to transition your existing nbn powered plan to a new plan based on . Your phone and internet service provider will be in touch to guide you through the proces.
You're ready to change to a new nbn® technology
Changed technology
Looks like you're ready to connect
Some premises may need additional work to be completed first. Contact a phone and internet provider.
Planned technology
Activate your nbn connection
The next step is to contact a phone or internet provider and order an nbn powered plan.
Technology used in your connection
has been used in your connection to the nbn network.
This location is connected to the nbn® network
Technology used in your connection
has been used in your connection to the nbn network.
As the digital landscape extends possibilities for all Australians, the valuable investment in the nbn™ broadband access network will underpin these opportunities.
Economics firm AlphaBeta conducted research, commissioned by NBN Co, to understand the economic and social impact of the project by comparing areas with and without access to the nbn™ access network.
The research estimated that during FY17, the nbn™ access network helped drive an additional $1.2 billion per annum in economic activity and is expected to increase to $10.4 billion annually by FY21.
In addition, the estimated business growth would facilitate an additional 31,000 new jobs across the country by the end of the rollout.
This considerable economic outcome affirms the importance of delivering the network as soon as possible.
By end of FY18, the build expanded to 7.0 million premises Ready to Connect (RTC) and activated 4.0 million homes and businesses. This included priority rural and regional areas classified as ‘underserved’, where 1.3 million premises are now able to use the nbn™ access network bringing them greater digital connectivity and as a result, flexibility in how they live and work.
The economists working on the AlphaBeta impact study forecast that because of the nbn™ rollout Australia will move into the top 10 OECD companies for internet equity which is a huge shift from being in the bottom 10 in 2012.
The deployment milestones were met while improving customer experience for those migrating or connected to the nbn™ access network.
Progress towards 2020
Over the past 12 months, the company made the decision to optimise the HFC network, introduce new wholesale pricing bundle discounts, expand the FTTC footprint, and make investments to upgrade capacity on the Fixed Wireless network.
These decisions are an outcome of our focus on the quality of the network, which has required us to make adjustments to our forecasts for the Corporate Plan 2019–2022.
At the end of FY19, we expect an additional 2.7 million premises declared Ready to Connect and an additional 1.9 million premises for the final year of construction to complete the build by 2020.
As a result of customer experience decisions as compared to last year’s Corporate Plan our RTC and activation profile has been rephrased. The deployment shift is a result of the HFC optimisation program, and the expansion of the FTTC footprint. As we forecast, 1.4 million premises in the network footprint to be connected by FTTC, which is the biggest deployment of the technology in the world.
The re-phasing has had an impact on activations, with our biggest activation year of two million homes and businesses planned for FY20.
With our track record demonstrating our ability to scale in partnership with Delivery Partners and retailers, we are confident planned targets will be met.
The HFC optimisation program and new wholesale pricing bundles will have an impact on short term revenue growth with revenue now expected to grow from $2.0 billion in FY18 to $3.9 billion by FY20. However, we still anticipate achieving revenue of $5.2 billion in FY21.
Continued revenue growth is expected with a lift in average revenue per user to $51 by FY22, supported by a take-up rate of 73-75 per cent, increased data consumption and greater penetration of business products.
We estimate peak funding to be $51 billion, which remains within the $47 to $51 billion peak funding range outlined in last year’s Corporate Plan.
The peak funding outcome is a result of our investment in customer experience including the HFC optimisation, wholesale pricing and an additional $800 million to improve capacity on our Fixed Wireless technology within the peak funding period.
By 2020, we forecast the build to be complete and eight million premises activated by the nbn™ access network.
Beyond 2020
As we edge closer to the completion of the rollout, we are preparing for new challenges and opportunities.
We’ll continue to drive revenue and ensure a modest return on the taxpayer investment. The company will continue to be open to the use of international developments in technology, such as DOCSIS 3.1 and G.fast, to maximise the potential of our network.
As Chief Executive, I am confident that my dedicated team will continue to demonstrate an ability to change, adapt and deliver. We will continue to strengthen our relationships with industry partners to ensure we deploy a network at speed and scale, and remain committed to working with RSPs to provide a positive customer experience.
At the end of the build, I am excited to see the ‘nbn-effect’ take hold as the economic and social impacts of the network are unlocked through universal access to connectivity.
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