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A (pro)fresh start: How connectivity can help you change careers

Thinking of making a change? Here’s some tips on how to take the steps to get started switching careers or start a business on the side. 

In years gone by, when you chose a profession, you likely chose it for life.

Nowadays, Australians are more likely to have a handful of different careers between time they start work and when they retire.

Forecasts from Mccrindle research say that Generation Z, who are soon to enter the workforce, will likely have an average of six careers in their lifetime.

Mccrindle also found that most Australians only stay with any particular job for around three years. These regular changes give us an opportunity to rethink our career paths.

If 2017 has brought with it a feeling like it is time for something new, you’re not alone!

The good news is that there are several ways to set the ball rolling on a different job within your company, a position with a new employer or even a completely different profession.

Here are some ideas to consider as a way of transitioning to a new job or a career you believe would be more fulfilling:

Study or upskill 

There aren’t many professions you can walk into nowadays without at least some understanding of what’s involved.

It may require some time and money, but learning about your preferred career in advance can pay off in the long run.

You can start out by reading blogs and following online influencers to figure out if changing professions will suit you.

From there, you have the option of attending webinars, signing up for free online courses or committing to an official qualification from a university or tertiary institution.

Thanks to the internet, Australians are able to learn a new set of skills and gain accreditation in all manner of careers by learning online.

This makes it easier to juggle your current work and family obligations while pursuing your next set of career goals.

Reach out to your connections and make new ones 

Having a mentor in the industry where you would like to work can be a huge benefit for your career.

They can provide you with perspective on what skills you are missing and give you pointers for what you have to do to make a career switch.

You don’t necessarily have to ask someone you know to be your career mentor and you don’t even need to be in constant contact with them.

A quick coffee with an industry influencer or an acquaintance and the chance to put questions to them about how to transition to their industry can make all the difference.

Joining physical networking groups and online ones on platforms such as LinkedIn can help introduce you to people who may be looking for entry level team members.

Keep an eye out on the web for get-togethers in the industry you aspire to and for chat rooms where you can build your knowledge and your connections.

Start a side hustle 

Increasing numbers of Australians are starting a side hustle, using their time outside of the office to create a micro-business of their own.

These side hustles may start as a way to pursue a hobby, with the potential to evolve into something far bigger.

nbn found in its recent Side Hustle Report that photography is a popular side business for Australians, with many people selling their work or offering their services on a part-time basis via the internet.

Websites like ebay and etsy make it possible for almost anyone to open a virtual store, selling anything from crafts to clothes to buyers from all over the world.

Some passionate Aussies turn their hobby of gardening or cooking into a blog and work on steadily building followers.

When using the internet, you can start small and grow towards something big, as has been discovered by many entrepreneurs around the world.

With time and persistence, there are endless possibilities for taking your career in a different direction or turning your hobby into your day-job.

If you'd like tips on how to get started with your own side hustle, nbn touched base with The School of Life to get some pointers for anyone on a mission for meaning.

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