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Coronavirus (COVID-19) and nbn: latest updates, working from home tips and FAQs

In this blog, we’ll provide updates on coronavirus (COVID-19) as it relates to the nbn™ broadband access network.

On this page:

NBN Co extends additional capacity offer to internet retailers and targets low-income household measures

Friday 4 September 2020 at 12:27pm

NBN Co today announced a further extension of its 40 per cent additional wholesale Connectivity Virtual Circuit (CVC) capacity offer at no extra cost to internet retailers until 30 November 2020, as well as a number of targeted measures to assist customers and the telecommunications industry.

nbn information sessions now available online

Monday 18 May 2020 at 10:50AM

From Monday 18 May, information sessions with nbn™ Community and Brand Ambassadors will be available online…

You’ve likely seen them in the pre-COVID-19 past at a shopping centre, local event, or maybe they’ve dropped in on your community group for a cuppa and a chat: nbn™ Community and Brand Ambassadors.

A familiar sight around the country, our knowledgeable ambassadors are used to getting out and about – from the smallest towns to the biggest cities – to speak with fellow Australians about the nbn™ broadband access network.

Beware of scams reminder to Australians

Thursday 7 May 2020 at 10:25AM

This week is Privacy Awareness Week, so what better time to remind Australians to beware of scams.

With a marked increase in predatory scammers attempting to steal personal details and commit fraud, we’re reminding Australians to be extra vigilant about their online security.

“As we spend more time online, it is important we do not become complacent when it comes to online security as scammers prey on human emotions, like fear and uncertainty, to trick people,” says Darren Kane, Chief Security Officer at nbn.

Offering relief to Australian businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic

Tuesday 5 May 2020 at 10:10AM

A message from our Chief Customer Officer – Business, Paul Tyler:

Amidst the uncertainty and challenges that the world faces due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there is no question that many business owners are facing some tough times.

As COVID-19 disrupts everyday routines, businesses have been adapting to support their teams work remotely and take more business operations online. Many others are facing considerable financial hardship.

On Friday 17 April, we announced a $150 million COVID-19 relief and assistance package to help internet providers support customers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The relief fund aims to help internet providers:

  • connect low-income households with home schooling needs
  • support emergency and essential services
  • assist small and medium-sized businesses and residential customers facing financial hardship

CiscoChat Podcast: Bandwidth management and support for remote working

In this third episode of #CiscoChat Podcast's Small Business Resiliency series, our Chief Customer Officer – Business, Paul Tyler, discusses bandwidth management and support available for remote working.

Listen now:

Paul Tyler, Chief Customer Officer – Business at nbn

nbn extends offers by two months

Thursday 30 April 2020 at 12:50PM

To help Australians stay connected through the COVID-19 pandemic, nbn is extending its offers to provide up to 40 per cent additional capacity to internet providers at no extra cost, and increase download data limits for its standard Sky Muster™ service, for another two months.

The extended offers come as data demand on nbn’s main wholesale service continues to remain at higher levels than its pre-COVID-19 baseline (the last week of February).

“We are extending these offers by another two billing periods because we know how crucial it is for the nation to have access to reliable and fast broadband services as Australians continue to work, study and be entertained at home,” said Brad Whitcomb, Chief Customer Officer – Residential at nbn.

nbn's Paul Tyler speaks to ausbiz about business relief package

Tuesday 21 April 2020 at 1PM

Our Chief Customer Officer – Business, Paul Tyler, has appeared on ausbiz to share how the nbn™ broadband access network is performing during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as how nbn is helping small and medium businesses to stay connected during this time of increased demand.

Watch the interview:

Latest weekly report shows upload demand on the rise

Friday 17 April 2020 at 1:50PM

Australian Broadband Data Demand – the report helping to keep Australians and internet providers informed about growing data demand over the nbn™ broadband access network – this week reveals upload demand is on the rise as more Australians work, and spent the Easter break, at home.

Published weekly, and now also including upload peaks, the report shows upload demand on nbn’s main wholesale access service has significantly increased compared to nbn’s pre-COVID-19 baseline, as Australians continue to rely on the national broadband network to support daytime business activities and real-time video communication between friends and family.

For Monday 6 April to Sunday 12 April, peak upload throughput (the measure of data flowing through the nbn™ access network) during daytime business hours increased by 102 per cent to 1.01 terabits per second (Tbps), compared to the last week of February, which nbn measures as its normal pre-COVID-19 baseline.

Upstream network usage

nbn announces $150 million COVID-19 relief and assistance package

Friday 17 April 2020 at 9:35AM

To help internet providers to support customers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, nbn is establishing a $150 million financial relief and assistance fund.

The relief fund aims to help internet providers to:

  • connect low-income households with home schooling needs
  • support emergency and essential services
  • assist small and medium-sized businesses and residential customers facing financial hardship

“We know that many Australian households and businesses are doing it tough, and that access to broadband services has never been more important.”

“We know that many Australian households and businesses are doing it tough, and that access to broadband services has never been more important,” says Stephen Rue, Chief Executive Officer at nbn.

“As a national wholesale provider of broadband services, nbn has an important role to play in supporting internet providers connecting families with remote schooling needs for their children and keeping Australian households, small and medium businesses, as well as essential and emergency services connected.”

nbn continues to support Australia through COVID-19: speech from CEO Stephen Rue

Wednesday 7 April 2020 at 10:30AM

Stephen Rue, our Chief Executive Officer, today provided a fresh update on how nbn and the broader telecommunications industry continues to support the nation during the COVID-19 crisis as more Australians rely on broadband services to work, study and connect with families and friends from home.

The following is an excerpt from his speech, delivered via video conference to the online audience of the annual CommsDay summit:

Stephen Rue, Chief Executive Officer at nbn

"In these times of such uncertainty and economic disruption, it’s critically important that we don’t let the wide-ranging impacts of COVID-19 take over our lives any more than it already has.

Yes, it is disruptive, and yes, it will create serious economic shocks that will reverberate through families, industries and lives – likely for many years to come.

But while COVID-19 may disrupt our way of life, we must work together – as a nation and as an industry – to ensure it doesn’t destroy our way of life.

"This whole telecommunications industry is working incredibly hard right now to ensure that all Australians stay connected..."

This whole telecommunications industry is working incredibly hard right now to ensure that all Australians stay connected with their friends and loved ones, that businesses continue to operate as best they can, and that school children continue to access the vital tools, resources and lessons that they need to further their education.

While we may not be on the frontline fighting this virus and helping to save lives as Australia’s selfless healthcare workers are, there is no question that telecommunications is playing an absolutely vital role in keeping the nation connected through these difficult times.

Never before has the nation needed the telecommunications industry as it does today. And never before has the nation needed nbn as it does today.

Supporting Australia is our priority

Friday 3 April 2020 at 4:25PM

A message from our Chief Customer Officer – Residential, Brad Whitcomb:

The current situation facing our nation brings with it an unprecedented increase in internet traffic being carried over the nbn™ network.

With a critical role to play in keeping you connected, we’re working with internet providers to ensure Australian homes and businesses have continued access to fast, reliable broadband both now, and as demand continues to increase.

We’re increasing capacity

To help alleviate congestion that comes with the projected increase in traffic, nbn announced on 18 March that every Australian internet provider can order increased nbn™ network capacity of up to 40% for three months, at no cost.

We’re still on the ground

We’re doing everything we can to ensure network reliability. While it’s still safe to do so, our technicians are mobile and working with internet providers to troubleshoot customer issues as they arise.

Helping you get set up at home

For the many of us working and learning from home, the quality of your experience can often depend on the speed plan you’re on. You can find out more about what speed plan is best suited to your needs by visiting

You can also make sure your equipment at home, including your Wi-Fi, is set up to help get the most from your nbn™ connection. For more tips on how to do this, visit

New weekly report reveals growth in nbn data demand

Thursday 2 April 2020 at 4:32PM

To keep Australians and internet providers informed about the growing data demand over the nbn™ broadband access network, nbn has launched a new report: Australian Broadband Data Demand.

Released weekly, the report is revealing significant increases in download peaks since the end of February. The report shows the highest throughput (the measure of data flowing through the nbn™ access network) recorded in a week during each of the following three periods: the daytime business hours, early evening hours and busy evening hours.

It comes as more Australians self-isolate and increasingly rely on services over the nbn™ access network to remain connected to work, school and higher education, as well as entertainment, family and friends.

Hourly Download Peaks graph from Australian Broadband Data Demand report

“Access to secure and resilient broadband is more important than ever for Australia’s business, education and entertainment needs and NBN Co seeks to support Australians during this time,” says Brad Whitcomb, Chief Customer Officer – Residential at nbn.

Video conferencing, video streaming and accessing cloud-based office applications are among the activities that have driven a large increase in data demand.

Small Biz Matters with Chief Customer Officer – Business, Paul Tyler

Friday 27 March 2020 at 1:40PM

Paul Tyler, Chief Customer Officer – Business at nbn

To provide updates on how the nbn™ broadband access network is handling changing connectivity demands as businesses transition their employees to work remotely, our Chief Customer Officer – Business, Paul Tyler, recently appeared on the Small Biz Matters podcast.

Chatting with host Alexi Boyd, Paul covers topics including:

  • how nbn is ensuring its network stays ahead of demand
  • differences between residential nbn™ plans and business nbn™ plans
  • how users can get the most from their connection when working from home

nbn increases Sky Muster™ data allowances, enhances Sky Muster™ Plus

Wednesday 25 March 2020 at 11:15AM

At NBN Co, we are committed to supporting the needs of Australians in the time of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, no matter where they live or work. As part of this commitment, last week, we announced a capacity boost across the nbn™ access network for three months, to help Retail Service Providers (RSPs) support customers.    

Today, we are unveiling new measures to support increasing capacity and data demand for our satellite services in regional and remote Australia.

These initiatives have been designed to support the requirement expected to be created as more people in regional and remote communities work from home and more children study remotely in the coming weeks.

Two key measures will see:

a) Customers on standard nbn™ Sky Muster™ services have their data download limits increased significantly

b) Customers on nbn™ Sky Muster™ Plus services have an increased range of applications not count towards monthly data quotas

nbn waives additional wholesale capacity charges of up to 40 per cent for three months

Wednesday 18 March 2020 at 4:40PM

NBN Co today announced it will waive charges for additional capacity of up to 40 per cent to Retail Service Providers (RSPs) for at least three months to help them support Australian residential and business nbn customers. The additional capacity pricing relief will apply to all fixed line, fixed wireless and satellite nbn technologies.

From Monday 23 March, NBN Co will immediately offer retailers access to pricing relief for up to 40 per cent more Connectivity Virtual Circuit (CVC) capacity as required to help meet demand over time at no additional cost.

Today’s announcement follows weeks of detailed planning and assessment by nbn’s engineers on the network’s capabilities to effectively meet Australia’s growing broadband requirements as more people choose to spend more time at home working, studying, shopping, and streaming entertainment content.

NBN Co plans to introduce this offer from Monday 23 March and will set the CVC usage charges applied in February 2020 as the baseline, waiving any additional changes for overage that would otherwise be incurred by RSPs over the next three months, and will continue to monitor the situation in terms of any further decision making required.

nbn responds to increase in residential data demand

Monday 16 March 2020 at 4:48PM

Offers advice for getting better internet performance at home

NBN Co is responding to a shift in Australia’s internet usage patterns that will occur as more people choose to work, study, shop and stream more content at home as the nation responds to the impact of COVID-19 (the Coronavirus). During this period, digital connectivity will also be a primary channel for people to stay in touch with family and friends.

NBN Co’s team of data scientists and network engineers have been studying data consumption patterns in other countries that have been significantly impacted by the pandemic in recent weeks. At the same time, the company’s engineering teams have been planning for, and strengthening the network to help meet residential data demand that will likely surge, based on overseas examples, at different times of the day and night.

NBN Co is well-advanced with its contingency plans and will incrementally increase its data capacity allocation to retailers to accommodate the expected growth in residential data demand. It is requesting that retailers place their forward orders for CVC (capacity) in the normal way, and NBN Co will increase capacity as required to meet demand.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and nbn: working from home tips and FAQs

Monday 16 March 2020 at 2:50PM

Whether you’re working from home by choice or by necessity, make the most of your nbn™ connection – and workday – with these tips.

While working from home (WFH) has become increasingly common with those seeking flexibility in their careers, it’s likely never been a hotter topic of conversation than now.

With the World Health Organization recently declaring the global coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak a pandemic, the ability to work from home may soon become more necessity than convenience.

Some companies are already voluntarily asking their staff to work remotely, while those with suspected or confirmed cases of the COVID-19 virus are being advised to self-isolate.

So, whether you need or want to work from home, we’ve compiled the following tips to help you make the most of services over the nbn™ broadband access network*.

Get the right speed

Depending on the nature of your work, you may be surprised at the download and upload requirements needed to effectively get the job done.

Sending and receiving large files, taking video conference calls, and simultaneously running multiple online programs are just some of the typical work tasks that can affect internet speed.

And if you work at night, remember that internet speeds tend to slow down in the after-dinner ‘busy period’.

Work from Home Tip: Talk to your phone and internet provider about the speed tiers available in your area*. If needed, consider speaking with your provider about changing your plan – even temporarily – to accommodate your working from home needs.

Get the right plan

Working from home doesn’t have to be an isolating experience. Apps like Slack are useful for real-time team collaboration, while the likes of Trello can help with project management.

For some virtual face-to-face time, try apps like Skype and Zoom, and share files over the cloud – including real-time document co-authoring and version control – with those including Google Docs and OneDrive.

While undoubtedly handy, keep in mind that the more reliant your remote work is on internet-based software, the more bandwidth you may need. So, while sharing basic documents will have a relatively minor impact on your bandwidth, downloading and uploading massive files could have a noticeable effect.

Work from Home Tip: Ask your provider about the plans available to you. Tell them about the ways you’ll be using your connection for work and downtime so they can help you pick the right plan*.

Get the optimum performance

Even with the right speed and plan, factors around the home can affect your online experience*. To help make the most of your work day, start by ensuring you have the best possible internet set-up in your home.

Using Wi-Fi? Make sure your modem isn’t hiding behind the likes of brick walls, large electrical appliances or mirrors. These – and more – can cause poor signal.

Living in a device-happy home? Basic modems can generally support eight devices connected at one time, so chat to your provider to make sure you have the right modem for your needs.

Older cabling or devices at your place? These can lead to slower speeds. Get an assessment from a registered cabler and consider upgrading older devices, like printers or computers.

Consistently uploading large files? Consider doing so during off-peak hours (between 12am and 7am).

Work from Home Tip: Make sure your nbn™ connection has the chance to perform its best by following this list of tips to optimise your experience.

Internet down?

Many businesses use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to allow their employees to log in remotely – and safely – to work servers and systems.

If your internet appears to go down while working, it could be your VPN.

To check whether it’s your VPN or an issue with your nbn™ connection, try accessing a non-work website like Google. If it loads normally, contact your workplace to let them know your VPN isn’t working. You can also check if any unforeseen incident may be impacting your services over the nbn™ access network.

Your FAQs answered

Does the nbn™ access network have sufficient capacity to cope with a change in usage patterns if and when more people work, study and generally spend more time at home, streaming content?

Will the network be impacted if NBN Co is forced to institute a large-scale quarantine? Can the network continue to operate if staff are forced to work remotely?

Will the spread of coronavirus impact the rollout of the network? Will NBN Co still complete the volume rollout by June 2020?

What steps is NBN Co taking to ensure the safety and wellbeing of its on-the-ground staff including the technicians who might have to attend to premises with residents in quarantine?

My speeds at home are poor/I am not getting my expected speeds – what can I do to improve my experience?

Someone in my house has a medical alarm – will this service be impacted by a coronavirus quarantine?

How can I support and stay connected to my colleagues if they are forced to work from home?

I’m keen to explore a business nbn™ connection for my company/office(s) – will the spread of coronavirus impact this?

If schools are closed how can the network support remote learning solutions?

I rely on my phone line. What should I do to stay connected during the COVID-19 crisis?

Providers experiencing high call volumes and support requests

Please be aware that phone and internet providers are experiencing extremely high call volumes and support requests at present and are working with reduced staffing levels.

For further information, in the first instance, please refer to your provider's website or the rolling updates above in this blog.

Read next:

* An end user’s experience, including the speeds actually achieved over the nbn™ broadband access network, depends on the nbn™ access network technology and configuration over which services are delivered to their premises, whether they are using the internet during the busy period (typically, 7pm to 11pm), and some factors outside of nbn’s control (like their equipment quality, software, chosen broadband plan, signal reception, or how their provider designs its network). Speeds may also be impacted by the number of concurrent users on the Fixed Wireless network, particularly during busy periods. Sky Muster™ satellite users may experience latency.

First published 16 March 2020
Updated 9 April 2021

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