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The nbn network is being impacted by Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred. Read the latest information by visiting our Important Updates page.


Your responsibilities

  • Design the pit and pipe works according to our guidelines below
  • Upload a pre-construct design for us to review and accept
  • Build pit and pipe works in accordance with your approved pre-construct design and our guidelines
  • Upload your as-built designs and Notice of Practical Completion (PCN) for us to review and accept
  • Remediate your designs and build (if required)
  • Pre-install the nbn connection box ideally at the 'frame stage' (recommended)
  • Advise builders to supply the in-home cabling

Our responsibilities

  • Review and accept plans and designs
  • Conduct and accept the site inspection of your pit and pipe works 
  • Provide feedback on plans, designs, inspections (if needed)
  • Work with our nbn Delivery Partner to install a local network conduit on the street of your development that can be connected to your premises and eligible non-premises (nbn Smart Places) locations. See important note on nbn Smart Places
  • Issue a Certificate of Practical Completion (PCC) and organise the installation of the nbn network to your development
  • Notify you when the site is in service so that the occupant can place an order with their preferred phone and internet provider.

Important note

*nbn takes reasonable care and skill to ensure the end customer's ability to connect to the nbn network after pre-installation of the nbn connection box but cannot guarantee uninterrupted service or immediate connectivity in all situations. Further visits from an nbn certified technician may be required. The end customer should contact their provider for assistance with any connectivity issues and additional equipment that may be required.

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Do you need to upload a design or PCN?

Upload your documents and manage your application through the nbn® New Developments Portal.

About the Notice of Practical Completion (PCN)

As part of the Notice of Practical Completion (PCN), you will need to transfer ownership of the pit and pipe works free of all encumbrances to nbn. For Horizontal Multi Dwelling Units (HMDUs), as part of the PCN, you will need to grant a licence to nbn for the exclusive use of any pit and pipe works that are free of all encumbrances .

Our guidelines 

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Residential preparation and installation guide for SDUs and MDUs

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Deployment of nbn® pit and conduit network guide

This guide provides outlines the requirements and technical details that developers must follow to install pit and pipe works.
Download (PDF - 1 MB)

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Key information for Horizontal MDU builds

This information is designed for print in A3 format. Please fold the page in half to create a booklet.
Download (PDF - 1 MB)
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Cabling resources

In-home cabling for the nbn® access network for your nominated technology must be done by registered cablers using our guidelines.

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Work with an nbn® trained New Developments supplier

We encourage developers (big and small) to seek the assistance and support of an industry professional or an nbn trained New Developments supplier - designer or installer. As it’s your responsibility to ensure the design and build of the nbn® infrastructure within your property boundary meets our standards, the assistance of an expert can be extremely helpful.