The nbn Technology Choice Program provides you with the option to pay for a change to the nbn technology infrastructure at your residential or business premises. This payment covers the build costs associated with the nbn Technology Choice Program application, as these activities are additional to nbn's rollout activity.
Prior to proceeding with an Individual Premises Switch application, you can first request an online quote and check the build costs to upgrade to nbn Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) at some single premises. In some instances, a quote may not be available if your premises is considered complex. This refers to those premises that require a manual assessment before an accurate quote can be successfully provided.
Quote provided by the nbn Technology Choice Quote Tool and the Business On-Demand channel
In some limited circumstances, the nbn Technology Choice Quote Tool (available on our website) and the Business On-Demand channel (available through your preferred phone and internet provider) may provide different build cost quotes to upgrade to nbn FTTP for a single premise identified as a very simple build.
This is because quotes requested via the Business On-Demand channel include additional design reviews and program management activities associated with the delivery of construction for business premises. Quotes requested for the same premises via the nbn Technology Choice Online Quote Tool, which is targeted at residential premises which have less complex requirements, may provide a lower quote given the more basic construction process.
To help ensure we continue to meet the expectations of business customers, quotes requested via the Business On-Demand channel will continue to include costs for additional design reviews and program management activities and be quoted accordingly. If you are a business owner and would like to know more about the Business On-Demand channel, please speak to your preferred phone and internet provider.
Please note that for the majority of premises, build cost quotes to upgrade to nbn FTTP will be the same across all channels.

Request an online quote
You can request an online quote before applying. These are currently only available for some single premises.
Please note, the nbn™ Technology Choice Program is an additional activity to our rollout plans and there are build costs associated with all applications.