The reliability of a fibre access network with high performance characteristics.
business nbn™ Enterprise Ethernet is designed to run over a high performance and reliable fibre network that businesses can count on when they need it most.
Fibre optic technology
High network reliability targets
Geographic coverage
Businesses need high speed, high reliability networks and fibre optic technology is suited for this purpose.
- Fibre networks provide very high speeds providing confidence your network will meet your needs not just today but also into the future
- Speed over a fibre access network does not degrade with distance which enables service providers to deliver more consistent broadband speeds to all premises that fibre can technically reach.
- Fibre does not conduct electrical currents making it resistant to interference from radio signals, lightning, etc.
The design of Enterprise Ethernet means there are less points of connection or aggregation resulting in fewer points of potential failure. Also, there is a lack of equipment placed above ground to be damaged by physical or environmental factors.
This results in business nbn™ Enterprise Ethernet being a premium product that runs upon a reliable network that’s designed to meet business-critical applications.

In order to get Enterprise Ethernet, which runs upon a fibre optic network, you need an on-request fibre build+. The build and connection of the network to your premises will be initiated by an order from your provider.
Most premises in nbn’s Fixed Line footprint, plus some locations in satellite and fixed line areas adjacent to our fixed line footprint are eligible. This means that an estimated 1.5M Australian business locations have the option to upgrade to a fibre broadband solution built on Enterprise Ethernet. For an estimated 90% of business locations within the nbn network footprint, there will be no up-front build cost to service providers. Plus if your provider signs up for a 3 year Enterprise Ethernet plan, there’s no up-front connection cost to your provider.*