business nbn™ Enterprise Ethernet can help you to future proof your network to meet tomorrow’s data and performance needs.
High speed options improving the way we do business
Help reduce congestion with priority data options
Symmetrical bandwidth

nbn observes the caretaker conventions related to the upcoming Federal Election. During the Caretaker Period, nbn will apply these conventions while continuing business-as-usual operations of the company.
We have made several attempts to initiate the process of establishing an nbn network connection to your building, however we have been unsuccessful in our engagement with the building’s authorised representative. Consequently, nbn does not currently plan to install a network connection to your building, unless we receive a request from the Owners’ Corporation.
If you currently use existing fixed line phone or internet services there are a number of implications to be aware of:
However, if your phone and internet services are already provided via another fibre network, they will continue to operate as normal unless your provider advises otherwise.
nbn strongly recommends that you contact your current provider of phone and internet services, or visit for more information about whether your services will be impacted by the rollout of the nbn network.#
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you decide to request an installation in the future.
*Please ask your Owners Corporation to contact the lift and alarm service providers for your building. This will help minimise a break in service when the existing network is switched off. Existing fire and lift services registered with nbn may be exempt from immediate disconnection. Please visit for information on registering these services.
^nbn is developing a list of networks that nbn reasonably understands will continue to operate after the nbn rollout has been completed based on information provided by alternative network owners/operators. For more information, please visit or contact us.
delivers a fibre network to this area.
For specific information on how to connect your premises contact the existing provider.
Construction of the nbn® network has started in your area
nbn’s New Developments team are continuing to work with the developer to roll out the nbn network at your location.
If you’re preparing to move in, please contact the developer for more information.
If you are the developer of this property, please speak to your nbn New Developments representative or contact us.
Construction stage
Planned to be available from *
Planned technology
Construction stage
More work required
Thank you for your patience. We're working to provide you with clarity on when your premises will be ready to connect. Please check back periodically for updates.
More work required
Thank you for your patience. We're working to provide you with clarity on when your premises will be ready to connect. Please check back periodically for updates.
Planned technology
Looks like you're ready to connect
Some premises may need additional work to be completed first. Contact a phone and internet provider.
Planned technology
Disconnection information
Disconnection information
Premises connected to the nbn® network via nbn Fixed Wireless won't be disconnected from their existing phone and internet services by nbn.
If you want to keep your existing copper phone line active when you order a service over nbn Fixed Wireless, you should speak to your phone and internet provider at the time you place your order.
Planned technology
nbn Satellite*
Good news! It looks like your location may be eligible for the business nbn® Satellite Service+. The business nbn Satellite Service is designed to support business-grade internet, data and voice services§ to Australian businesses in remote and rural areas^.
Disconnection information
Premises connected to the nbn® network via nbn Satellite won't be disconnected from their existing phone and internet services by nbn.
If you want to keep your existing copper phone line active when you order a service over nbn Satellite, you should speak to your phone and internet provider at the time you place your order.
Activate your nbn connection
The next step is to contact a phone or internet provider and order an nbn powered plan.
Technology used in your connection
has been used in your connection to the nbn network.
We’re planning to change your nbn technology.
You will soon need to transition your existing nbn powered plan to a new plan based on . Your phone and internet service provider will be in touch to guide you through the proces.
This location is connected to the nbn® network
Technology used in your connection
has been used in your connection to the nbn network.
We’re planning to change your nbn technology.
You will soon need to transition your existing nbn powered plan to a new plan based on . Your phone and internet service provider will be in touch to guide you through the proces.
You're ready to change to a new nbn® technology
Changed technology
Looks like you're ready to connect
Some premises may need additional work to be completed first. Contact a phone and internet provider.
Planned technology
Activate your nbn connection
The next step is to contact a phone or internet provider and order an nbn powered plan.
Technology used in your connection
has been used in your connection to the nbn network.
This location is connected to the nbn® network
Technology used in your connection
has been used in your connection to the nbn network.
Bandwidth Profiles | |
10Mbps - 100Mbps | 10Mbps increments |
100Mbps - 500Mbps | 50Mbps increments |
500Mbps - close to 1Gbps^ | 100Mbps increments |
Close to 1Gbps^ - close to 10Gbps^ | 1000Mbps increments |
Providers can order bandwidth over the network with different network performance characteristics.
Our entry level tier, referred to as Class of Service – Low, provides ‘best-efforts’ data, which means that there are no contractual guarantees on the network performance and so may be subject to congestion at times of high network usage. This type of network data performance is designed for applications that are not time-sensitive such as social media, internet access and email.
For business-critical applications we recommend you consider our priority data classes of service.
In a shared broadband network such as the nbn™ network, there will be times when the demand for data exceeds network capacity. This can result in congestion over the network and businesses using the network will experience slower downloads, buffering videos and lost or limited access to applications.
However, with the priority data feature on Enterprise Ethernet, you can choose applications that will be prioritised ahead of other residential and business data using the nbn™ network. This means that for these applications, there should be less congestion across the nbn™ network helping providers to offer a reliable, high performing service to their end customers. This is the same concept as an emergency vehicle using a priority lane on a highway – they’re not slowed down by the other traffic in the slow lane.
Service providers can access priority data via the following two classes of service:
Classes of Service allow the priority offered over our network to continue over the service providers’ network. Essentially this enables providers to offer an end-to-end quality of service for business-critical applications. Enterprise Ethernet is also designed to comply to the global MEF network standards used by service providers around the world.
Applications that deliver real-time data work best when they’re supported by priority data as delays can trigger lost productivity or operational downtime for your business.
Voice calling and video conferencing are ubiquitous real-time applications where delays in the delivery of the data will result in poor quality communications between employees, suppliers and customers. This can result in subsequent lost sales and/or impacts to workplace productivity.
Outside of voice and video, each business and industry will have different use cases of what is a mission-critical application that will benefit from priority data. Some examples include:
The contractual commitments that nbn makes to providers for the three classes of service are outlined in the table below.
Network performance targets (for Enterprise Ethernet services connected at a local POI - reference distance = 200km):
Class of Service (CoS) | High | Medium | Low |
Frame delay (ms) | <=5.25 |
Not Specified |
Not Specified |
Inter frame delay variation (ms) | <=1 |
Not specified |
Not specified |
Frame loss ration (%) | <=0.01 |
<=0.01 |
Not specified |
Regardless of the bandwidth profile for the service you acquire from your service provider, it will operate at less than 10Gbps (or, in some circumstances, less than 1Gbps, if that bandwidth profile is acquired) because of normal equipment and network limitations. In addition, your experience, including the speeds actually achieved over the nbn network, depends on some factors outside our control (like your equipment quality, software, and how your service provider designs its network). If your service provider has not selected Class of Service High, speeds you experience may be affected by contention on the nbn network, particularly in busy periods.
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